If you have elected to create individual customer records in your accounts software for each unique buyer, you may wish to ensure that orders downloaded by Tradebox are allocated to existing customer accounts. This is common with B2B sellers who have existing customers with a sales history. There are 2 options in Tradebox for this; manual match and auto match.
Manual match involves either manually matching the buyer of a downloaded order to an existing customer in your accounts software, or, clicking a button to create a new customer record in your accounts software. This is 100% accurate but can be time consuming if you have lots of orders.
Auto match works by looking for an exact match in the existing customer records in your accounts software for both the postcode and email address in a downloaded order.
Tradebox only does the match once, when it initially has a new customer in a downloaded order that hasn't previously been mapped. Once a customer has been mapped it is saved in the customer mapping table in Tradebox. It won't attempt to match that customer again.
The matching routine works on the following logic:
Does the postcode AND email in the downloaded order already exist in a Tradebox mapping?:
YES > Use the Customer Record in the accounts software that is held in Tradebox customer mapping
NO > Search the Customer records in the accounts software and look for an exact match for the both email and postcode.
Is there an exact match of both fields?
YES > Use the existing Customer Record in the accounts software and add to the Tradebox mapping table.
NO > Create a new Customer Record in the accounts software and add to the Tradebox mapping table.
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