Before you can create an integration between Tradebox and Woocommerce you will need to create the API Credentials on your Woocommerce store.
Creating the Sales Channel
From within the Channels module choose New to start the New Sales Channel Wizard and then choose Woocommerce from the drop down list. Then select Next.
On the next screen enter a name for the Woocommerce Channel and select the currency the orders will download in; by default this is set to Pounds Sterling. Only orders in the established currency will be downloaded.
If you have orders in multiple currencies in Woocommerce you will need to create multiple channels in Tradebox configured for each currency.
Next enter your Woocommerce API Credentials into the corresponding API Connection Details fields.
The Order Statuses page allows you to map your Woocommerce order statuses to Tradebox's internal order statuses. To retrieve the Woocommerce order statuses click on the blue download arrow to the right of the screen. Only map the order statuses that you wish to be downloaded from Woocommerce. Click Next.
For users who are set to Tradebox stock control, you'll see two further options.
Map Existing Product Records: If ticked, Tradebox will automatically create a mapping between existing product records in Tradebox and the product SKUs that are downloaded in the Woocommerce orders. Existing mappings can be amended and new mappings created at any time via Products > Mapping.
Import Products From Inventory: Tradebox can retrieve an entire list of your product records from Woocommerce and create these in Tradebox. This is an essential step if you plan to upload stock back to Woocommerce, but can also be done at a later stage via Products > Import.
Please note - if using variation products on your Woocommerce site, the main product must have a SKU.
Once you've chosen your options here, click Finish.
If you are connecting Tradebox to your accounts package, you will then be prompted to set up an accounts link. For information on how to do that, see our guides for:
See the Channel Configuration article for more information on tweaking the channel integration settings once the sales channel setup wizard is complete.
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