The latest version of Tradebox is v2.0.230302.0, published on 02/03/2023.
Click Support in the upper right of your Tradebox software to check which version of the program you currently have installed.
If your version number begins with 1, this version contains significant changes from your existing software. Please see our upgrade guide for information on upgrading.
Please note this update is mandatory for Xero users and must be installed for you to continue using Tradebox to connect to Xero. Please follow our guide for instructions on doing this.
This version contains the following changes:
- Replacement for the Xero exchange to allow permanent Xero connections
- Simplification of the Xero connection process
- Improvements to contact handling in Xero
- Support for Bigcommerce v3 variation products added
- Improved API call rate handling for Shopify
- Minor bug fixes
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