The latest version of Tradebox is v1.2.201009.0, published on 15/10/2020.
Click Support in the upper right of your Tradebox software to check which version of the program you currently have installed.
This version of Tradebox contains significant changes to the process of logging on to the software. Users are now required to create a login on our online portal in order to access the software. If you are an existing user, this will have been created for you. Please contact us for your logon credentials at or on 0191 257 4707.
If you are an existing Tradebox One user you can find upgrade instructions here.
If you use the Tradebox legacy software, Finance Manager, please contact us to arrange an upgrade.
In addition to the new logon system and the new EKM API, this version also contains the following changes:
- Tradebox User Portal
- Sage v27 compatibility
- EKM API Upgrade
- eBay Foreign Sales Tax
- Amazon PII redacted after 30 days
- Magento 2 integration
- Amazon NL integration
- Support for Shopify API changes
- Logs and automated backups to be purged after 30 days
- Minor bug fixes
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