From within the Channels module choose New to start the New Sales Channel Wizard and then choose EKM from the drop down list. Then select Next.
On the second screen enter a name for the EKM sales channel and select the currency the orders will download in; by default this is set to GBP. Only orders in the established currency will be downloaded.
Next click the link to log into your EKM account to retrieve your access token. Once logged in, you'll see a screen asking you to allow Tradebox to access your EKM data. Click Allow.
You will then be taken to a new screen that displays your EKM access token. Copy this and paste it into the Access Token field in Tradebox.
Then click Next.
The next page presents a list of EKM order statuses. These need to be mapped to Tradebox internal order statuses. Only map the order statuses that you wish to be downloaded. Then select Next.
Please note: Tradebox cannot download orders that have a status of Incomplete on EKM.
Once you have mapped your order statuses, click Next. The options on the following page will only appear if you have Tradebox set as your stock control method. If not, simply click Finish.
Map Existing Product Records: If ticked, Tradebox will automatically create a mapping between existing product records in Tradebox and the product SKUs that are downloaded in the EKM orders. Existing mappings can be amended and new mappings created at any time via Products > Mapping.
Import Product Details: This option will allow you to import product records from EKM by way of a CSV file. You can find instructions on producing the file from EKM here.
Once you've made your selections, click Finish.
If you are connecting Tradebox to your accounts package, you will then be prompted to set up an accounts link. For information on how to do that, see our guides for:
Once the Sales Channel wizard is complete you can add more settings and adjust existing settings inside the channel record. See the Channel Configuration article for more information.
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