It has been known for anti-virus software to interfere with other programs on your PC and prevent them from working correctly. Excluding Tradebox from your AV scans will prevent these issues and help to optimise the program's performance.
All AV systems deal with exclusions/exceptions in different ways, so to get specific instructions please speak to your local IT support, or your antivirus provider.
The folders that need to be excluded are the Tradebox Program Folder and the Tradebox Data Folder. To determine where these are, click on Support in the top right hand corner of the software.
Note - in older versions the Program Folder is called the Installation Folder.
This displays a page of information about your software. The folders are listed under Program Information.
Once these folders have been added to the exclusions list, they will no longer be included in the AV scans.
If your AV sets exclusions by application rather than by directory, open the Program Folder by clicking on it from the support page and sort this by type to view the applications. Tradebox uses several .exe applications to run different processes. These files are called:
Tradebox Backup Restore.exe
Each of these should be excluded from your anti-virus to allow Tradebox to run unimpeded.
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