The Stock Picking List in Tradebox One can be generated from within the Orders list, by clicking into the Actions menu and then choosing Print Stock Picking List.
You'll then be asked to choose the criteria that you want to include on your picking list.
Selection From List allows you to print a picking list only including the orders that you have selected within the orders list.
Sales Channel allows you to choose orders only from a specific channel.
Download Date gives you three options. All will not apply a filter to the download date, and will include all orders within the criteria. Is allows you to specify an exact date, or Between (inclusive) will allow you to specify a date range.
Order Date again gives you three options. All, which will bring up all orders that match your other criteria, Is, allowing you to specify an exact date or Between (inclusive) which will allow you to specify a date range.
Sort By allows you to sort by the following fields:
- Description
- Location
- Quantity
This can be applied in either Ascending or Descending order. The list can be sorted by two different criteria at a time.
Show Product Image will include the image from the product record if one is provided.
Show Barcode will include the barcode number from the product record if one is provided.
By default, orders will only be included on the picking list once, to prevent orders being picked repeatedly. To override that, tick the Include Previous setting.
Memorise Selections will record the selections that you've made and automatically select these again next time you open the picking list criteria.
Output gives you the option of whether to preview your picking list first, or output it directly to the printer.
When the picking list is generated, it contains the following columns:
Item Description
Quantity Required
Quantity Available
If selected, the picking list will also display an image and barcode where provided on the product record.
All fields are drawn from either your Accounts Software or Tradebox, depending what stock control setting you've chosen in Configuration > Stock Control.
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