In 99% of support issues, the answer can be found in the ISSUES LOG in the Tradebox software. Even if you still need assistance to resolve the issue, relaying the relevant entries in the Issues Log will help identify and resolve the issue much more quickly. If you need support, please click on the CONTACT TRADEBOX button in the top right hand corner of the software and a customer services agent will get in touch to help resolve the issue.
1. My orders in Tradebox have an order status of "QUERY"?
Tradebox assigns a status of QUERY to an order if there's something about the order that the program doesn't know how to process. There are a number of different scenarios why this may happen. The most common is because a SKU in the downloaded order doesn't exist in Tradebox or the integrated accounts software. Once you have resolved the issue, the order will come out of Query. The following article explains the different order Query issues;
2. I have upgraded Sage 50 and Tradebox has stopped posting orders to Sage?
If you upgrade Sage 50 you may need to ensure you are on a compatible version of Tradebox AND check that Tradebox is still pointing at the correct Sage company data set. The following article provides step by step instructions;
3. How do I upgrade to the latest version of Tradebox?
Full instructions on how to upgrade to the latest version of Tradebox can be found at; You can see what version of Tradebox you are using by clicking into the Support page in the Tradebox software.
4. My orders have stopped downloading into Tradebox?
There are a number of reason why your orders may have stopped downloading into Tradebox. The following article discusses the potential reasons for this happening; Alternatively, use the following online checklist;
5. My orders have stopped posting to Sage 50?
There are multiple reasons why orders may have stopped posting to Sage 50. The following article discusses the potential reasons for this happening; Alternatively, use the following online checklist;
6. New products not importing from Sage 50?
Tradebox can be configured to automatically detect that new products have been created in Sage and import them into Tradebox. The following article discusses reasons why this function may have stopped working;
7. How do I configure Tradebox to upload my stock levels?
Configuring Tradebox to upload stock levels to your integrated channels can be a useful tool for any online retailer. The following article discusses how to configure Tradebox to do this;
8. Stock levels have stopped uploading?
There are multiple reasons why stock levels may have stopped uploading to your sales channel(s). The following article discusses the potential reasons for this happening and provides a flow diagram to work out where the issue is;
9. The Tradebox data service has stopped?
There are multiple reasons why the data service may have stopped. The following article discusses the potential reasons for this happening
10. Cannot connect to Sage as the Remote Data Access in unavailable?
The Sage Remote Data Access (RDA) allows users in different locations to use Sage 50. If the Sage RDA becomes unavailable it can prevent Tradebox from connecting to Sage. The following article discusses this issue;
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